
My Task on Twitter

I’ve already had an account on twitter but I don’t really know how to use it and I still don’t find the interest of having it. But on the other hand this can be useful as twitter is a platform which can promote my blog. I’ve created this account because my sister told me that we could contact celebrities but I didn’t went further than following some people.

I couldn’t understand the purpose of using # tag but now at least I know that it facilitates us in searching for specific topics. The # tag which I used was #Horrormovies and I could get access easily to tweet of people who share the same interest as me. Some people didn’t not like horror movies but they were still talking and tweeting about it.

I tweeted the URL of my blog to have a bigger audience. It is a good experience and I wanted to have a try. I also tweeted the link of a blog which I found very interesting as it talks about the topic I’ve chosen. Before tweeting them I’ve added the #Horrormovies to them and when I searched them, they were easy to localise until other people hide them with their new tweets.

I re-tweeted two tweets which I found intersting and one of them was about the last remake of the horror movie Carrie. This reminds me that I have to watch it soon. The other tweet is about a girl who said that horror movies have a sense of humour. I like this comment because I thought that I was a kind of sadistic person as I use to laugh to tragic scene of a film. I like to know that I’m not the only one to have this kind of sense of humour.

Nobody re-tweeted my tweets, may be they were not interesting. I’m not used to twitter but I was thinking if someone had re-tweet me, I would have a notification at least.

Why Did I Changed My Web Presence?

The template which I used at the beginning of the web creation was quite simple in terms of layout and colors. Then I decided to make it a little more attractive by customizing it by using the options given in Blogger. Finally I have decided to add flames in the background as it is the only design which is closer to my horror theme. I though fire is attribute to hell and in hell there are demons which are also characters in some thrillers. After that I just changed the layout of my blog a little bit by adding some branches instead of posting everything on a single page.

I left my blog like that until our new task which consisted of changing the face of the web creation. So I look forward in all the options given to see which would best fit my topic. I changed the font of the title and other writings, like the branches to make them appear more mysterious, weird and I hope horrible too. I have added new colors to match the template and I have also added the red because it looks like blood. I included the bordered lines in colors to isolate the text from the template.

Hi, this form part of my task of the week for my Web Publishing module and I must say that it was a good experience.

Here is the link of the blog where I commented:  http://www.dailydoseofhorror.com/insidious-chapter-2-2013-review-2/#respond

Have a look at the blog:  http://www.dailydoseofhorror.com/

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